Home Interior Spatial Newest

Latest Spatial Imagination / Home Interior Spatial Newest

Home Interior Spatial Newest - If you have a mansion but the arrangement is not appropriate to make the view uncomfortable, but although minimalist modern space arrangement that will seem comfortable and elegant. Let us look good home arrangement below:
These houses tend to have a spacious room that was not great. So is the size of their land. To get around this, there must be spatial minimalist home efficiently and optimally utilize the limited land area. That is how your home that may seem small but spacious

Examples spatial minimalist house 2 bedrooms (Arumart)

Spatial Minimalist Multi-Function

The house is actually a gathering place for the family in the evening to share stories. Minimalist house designed not only apply the principles of minimalism in it, but also to be able to meet the needs of the owner of the house, including the need for a space that is able to bring the whole family to be able to tell each other.

The room is often used for this is the family room and dining room. But what if a small house is able to accommodate those needs? While not yet made the bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen.

Examples of home interior minimlais (Freshome)

Rooms in a minimalist home is not always able to stand on their own. With limited land, the chambers should be able to have a double function. Designers often design a minimalist home by allowing his own living room, the bedroom itself. However unite the family room and dining room. It would be nice if the room is put together. Where at night, at dinner, the family members can also relax while enjoying your favorite television show.

Room like this, often used by designers. If the room space for the kitchen had run out, the kitchen can be placed outside, which is in the backyard. It also avoids the invisibility of the kitchen by guests, if the living room and the dining room has no limits.

Examples interior layout without a permanent bulkhead (Hometrendesign)

Spatial Minimalist Modern Bedroom

If you need 3 bedrooms and still have the rest of the land at the back, then you should use for land development. However, if no, you should consider first layout modern minimalist house the following: reduce the size of a living room, family room united with a dining room, kitchen put outside or backyard, and out the master bedroom.

The bedroom is a room that should always be present in every home. Bedroom set for a minimalist home bother easy especially if this room needs a lot and have to sacrifice one of the rooms. If this happens to you, you should plan your home carefully in accordance with the number of members of family style. Note also if there are remaining behind the land that could be used for development.

Examples of spatial minimalist rooms with a blend of two colors (Wates)

Spatial minimalist house depending on the needs of home owners and also the imagination of the designers. Correct spatial arrangement is optimal, meaning that the land area able to accommodate all the needs of the wearer.
Thus spatial latest house may be your inspiration

Home Remodeling Minimalism With a Modern Line Line

Home Remodeling Minimalism With a Modern Line Line

Home Remodeling Minimalism With a Modern Line Line
Ekterior remodeling with a modern line line

Ekterior remodeling with a modern line line

a house tends to be more "complexity" than designing a house from scratch. How that development is done not too swollen from the budget, including the use of space or old material, the challenge becomes a renovation, not least for architects when renovating a home stay. A house, The Rhythmic Lines, with a land area of ​​162 square meters renovated with quite significant, both exterior and interior.
 Collaborate with interior design Anindita Caesarayi daughter and Imam Prasetyo ST, ST, existing home which consists of two floors with a simple design, the addition of some space, according to the needs of residents. Renovations are beautiful majestic will make the owner feel amazed and delighted with a home that feels just bought.

Interior remodeling with a modern line line

Interior remodeling with a modern line line

Interior remodeling with a modern line line

Games perpendicular lines were so dominant both on the front of the house to the interior of the existing home, a reference design that unfortunately if abandoned. Furthermore, architects continue the game composition of lines more clearly and firmly, to the impression of rhythmic lines more interesting but not boring add a modern elegant impression.

Visit: Color Interior and Exterior
Thus the house with the renovation line perpendicular charming hopefully be your inspiration in redesigning or renovating your home more beautiful.